We made Magicraft for Worpdress for 3 simple reasons. First reason is usage of wordpress on internet. Almost 20% of internet using Wordpress and this really big number if you consider there are milions of websites. Second reason is about development. Yes, developing for Wodpress are very comfortable thanks to many tutorials and good community around WordPress. Third and I think most important reason is plugins. WordPress have really lot of plugins (32,754 free plugins and about 2838 paid) and many of them are very skilled and useful. This post is about 5 most important and most useful plugins for Minecraft websites.

1. WordPress SEO by Yoast
This I think, is most powerfull and most important plugin for WordPress. Seo = Search engine Optimalization. As you can know from name, SEO helps you to configure data on your website for seach engines as Google or Bing etc. to better indexing. Thanks that search engines shows your websites on better positions and you can reach bigger trafic when somebode looking for Minecraft server or looking for you. Seo by Yoast helps you to manage and configure everythink around SEO and also optimalize your page for sharing on social sites. Also generating sitemap and many many more.

2. Contact form 7
Easy and really quick plugins which helps you to built or manage Contact forms and add them into post or page thanks shortcodes. So If you don’t want add your personal contacts on page or personal skype, you can use this pluging. Users just fill in contact form and you receive their message throught email.

3. Schreikasten
For many server of Minecraft servers are important to be in touch with players even they not online. For example, server is offline and nobody know what happening and admins are want to just post status about quick pause. For this purpose is this plugin. It’s very simple shoutbox for small quick messages on websites. Just register and post message which you want. Sometime it even replace server forums.

4.Disqus Comment System
I don’t have to introduce this plugin. I think many web users are know this Comment system. But for others, Disquse are replacing default ugly WordPress comments and replace it by his own system. Thanks that users can login throught facebook or their Disquse accounts and commenting on your website. You doesn’t have to install CAPTCHA plugins because of spams, also installation of this plugin is very easy and quick. We using Disquse as well on this blog.

5. W3 total cache
This plugin require better skill about wordpress and managing website. W3 total cache helps you to improve page speed almost 10x, thanks that also helps to with positions in Google, because google are favors websites with better speed. It also have plugin which can connect with WordPress SEO by Yoast and helps you to improve conversions. Read more about this plugin before you install it.
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